
We ask that you complete each task only once. If you quit a task halfway through (for example, by closing the browser or pressing the backspace key), then your progress on that task will not be saved and you will need to start the task again.

You cannot pause a task once it has started. It is best to complete the tasks in a quiet environment when you are least likely to be distracted or interrupted and can focus on them. If you wish to take a break in between the tasks and return to them at a later time or date, then you can select the link and continue with the tasks at any time. Your scores on tasks that you have completed will be saved and you can continue where you left off. If you do not wish to continue with the tasks, then you can leave the study at any time by closing your browser.

These tasks were taken from published research and adapted for online platforms by The Many Brains Project. The tasks included in this assessment were selected by researchers at Cardiff University based on an extensive pilot study in which we administered nine different tasks and gathered feedback from our participants. These tasks were selected because they were well tolerated and rated highly by our participants, measured abilities of interest, were associated with diagnosis, mood symptoms and other outcome measures related to disability.

Currently, we do not provide feedback on your performance on the tasks. The reason for this is that the tasks were not designed to be clinical assessment tools. Our team are interested in how groups of people perform overall compared to other groups of people (for example, those with a diagnosis of depression compared to those with no history of depression). Therefore, we do not analyse your scores individually. However, we are currently working with health professionals, patients and carers to develop feedback that will be informative for people who complete the assessment and useful in clinical settings.

All information that is collected about you during the course of the study will be kept strictly confidential. All the data collected will be identified by an ID code. A separate list of names and ID codes will be kept securely. The information will be stored securely at Cardiff University. Your data will be kept for 10 years in accordance with guidelines from the Medical Research Council. Only members of the research team who have signed confidentiality agreements will have access to your data.

If you have any questions about participating in this study, please contact the research team on 02920 688371 or email us at

If you experience any problems with the tasks, there are several things you can try that may resolve the issue:

  1. Select the window to make sure it is active
  2. Maximise your browser window
  3. Check your internet connection – a weak or intermittent signal may stop the tasks from loading properly
  4. Reload the page
  5. Try using a different web browser or update your browser to the latest version
  6. Make sure javascript is turned on:
  7. Check whether the instructions say to use the keyboard or mouse. If you are using a keyboard with a number pad, try switching to the numbers at the top of the keyboard. If using a touchscreen device, ensure that you are pressing the items as instructed.

Please contact us if you continue to experience a problem with the tasks.